.ax Domain Names

is reserved but inactive! If you are interested in the domain, contact

What is .ax ?

.ax is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Åland, Finland, introduced in 2006.

Since September 5, 2016, anyone worldwide is permitted to register domain names under the .ax TLD.

Registrarion and renewal fee

Current (2024) base registration and renewal fees for all registrars are:

   1 year – 20€
   3 years – 55€
   5 years – 85€

Note that .ax do not use EPP apis, it works with manual forms. Therefore registrars may apply additional handling fees.

Automatic registration of .ax domains may de disabled from various registration sites due to the same reason.

How to register?

The official website for .ax domains is

The official website can be used to search for available .ax domains and find other information about the .ax domain names.

At the bottom of the page you can see the list of active .ax registrars.


If you want to know more about .ax domain names, you can contact me: